Saturday, October 27, 2012

One Step Closer

No sooner than I walked into Jack’s office did I erupt into tears; great sobs of hope and longing and compassion for the harassed and helpless.  A week prior I had shared in this blog (see post for August 6, “Fight or Flight...or Surrender”) what God had done on my heart regarding my call to respond to the “harassed and helpless” spoken of in Matthew 9.  I shared my love for teenagers and my desire to minister to their hearts more deeply.  Figuring out how to do that was weighing on me heavily.

At the time, I was very unhappy with my job.  How did I find myself working in food service when I had a college degree and six years in a fulfilling career doing youth ministry?   I knew that something needed to change.  Thankfully, my husband’s work situation was beginning to improve and, though frugally, we could live off of his salary and use mine to give or save as needed.  Therefore, working part-time was an option, leaving time for me to do the wifely things which I enjoy (cooking, cleaning, etc...) and focus more time volunteering in ministry at our church.  

“What kind of work do I even look for?” was the question that constantly lingered before me.  I looked into various opportunities at schools, not-for-profits focused on children and families, and writing positions.  My search seemed to always come up empty.  I wasn’t excited about any of the options and didn’t want to get a new job just for the sake of getting a new job.  I wanted to be able to focus my compassion and passion on something meaningful.

I explained my present situation and longings to Jack that day.  We had a good conversation about possible opportunities serving teens through the church; particularly meeting those who are especially feeling “harassed and helpless.”  I walked out feeling slightly encouraged, a little embarrassed about my uncontrolled vulnerability, but still heavily ladened with this desire for something more...

Later that evening, I casually surfed the internet; checking facebook and e-mail.  In my inbox was an e-mail forwarded to me from Jack about a position open for a not-for-profit organization whose mission is, “Bringing help and hope to the hidden and hurting.”  The position was entitled “Donor Communications Journalist.”  The brief description attracted me, so I immediately sent my resume and cover letter to the organizations contact e-mail address.  Long story short, 1 1/2 weeks later I was meeting with the president of the organization, my new boss.  

My new job seems to have truly a gift from God.  I work 16-24 hours each week.  I set my own hours, so I’m free to do all the things I had felt led to do; being a wife and a mentor to the kids at church.  In addition, the job itself fits right into my vision for my life.  Even though it’s a secular organization focusing on humanitarian aid, it fulfills my God-given desire to reach out to the “harassed and helpless”--or as the organization calls it “hidden and hurting”--in a tangible way through “hope” and “compassion.”  I never thought God would allow me to serve Him through a secular organization but it all just fits the desire that He laid on my heart.

In just a couple days I’m about to embark on a journey through my new position with Global Hope Network International.  The field leaders of the organization who live all over the world are gathering in Bali, Indonesia for a conference, and I’ve been invited to hear about the good things they are doing and even give a short presentation myself.  I’m looking forward to the opportunity to meet them face-to-face as they are the source of the stories which I edit and/or write.  I’m looking forward to getting a clearer picture of the organization and how these individuals help struggling villages become self-sustaining communities.  I will also have the opportunity to visit two Indonesian villages being helped by GHNI and provide further encouragement to the villagers and their GHNI leaders.

I find it amazing how God interrupts my life in the most unexpected ways, whether by the sounds of silence for the sake of reflection or a loud bang of opportunity knocking at my door.  I’m thankful that God has given me the eyes to see the direction which He’s pointing and the ears to hear His voice.  Otherwise, I might be missing out on a lot of amazing things as God has rarely called me to a place that I was expecting.  All I can say is that, though the road hasn’t been easy, the challenges have made me ever so much more grateful.  

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