Now, as I peered into my hole, which at this point was quite deep, there seemed to be the lip of some sort of pot. I dug and pulled until the item became loosed from the earth. Out came a vase of obvious age and quality. It was intricately made of clay, glazed and fired with expertise. The top had been cracked and broken but it was a clean break. I didn't have to dig much further to find the missing piece. It was truly a gem.

Why I had this dream, I'm not sure, but it has most definitely brought me some peace and joy in my life. It seems that God may be teaching me something about life's trials. The Struggle has worth; a value that may not be realized in the process. Taking the time, the perseverance, the effort to dig out the root of a problem which, on the surface seems relatively harmless--if not a bit attractive--could unearth surprising and unexpected blessings. These blessings may seem largely unrelated to the trial but are, regardless, gifts from God.